I was lucky enough to visit Cuba this year. Even before arriving, I knew I would have to do a classic car print on Havana. This would be a great opportunity to get up close and personal with some cars I would have only gotten to see pictures of otherwise. For many of us car-lovers, we've all heard that Havana is a special place. It's almost mythical how it's one of the last places on earth where you will find so many classic American cars in such great shape. Well, it's true from the moment you step off the plane. And i reality, you know there's something special in the air and that's not just the humidity!
A Fabled Place in Time
For those of you new to gasoline culture, the story of Cuba is one of being suspended in time. Even though the island remains less than 100 miles from the United States, its car culture is like walking into a museum. Once upon a time, Castro had banned any foreign vehicles from entering. Forget getting anything after the mid-1900s. But this has given rise to an extraordinary beautiful place for classic car lovers.
It's All in the Details
After spending two days in Havana or Habana as the locals call it, here is the full album of cars that I photographed. There are some beauties in here.
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